The fifth EIPTN annual workshop will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on Monday 27 June and Tuesday 28 June 2011. The event is sponsored by theEuropean Patent Academy of the European Patent Office.

The workshop will be hosted by the Institute of Copyright Law, Industrial Property Rights and Competition Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, and will include the Annual EIPTN Dinner on the evening of Monday 27 June. The workshop will be preceded, on Sunday 26 June, by a walking tour of Prague and a drinks reception, the latter hosted by the Kříž & Bĕlina law firm.

Monday 27 June 2011

9.30-9.45:  Welcome and introduction – Jan Kříž and Petra Žikovská (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) and Giovanna Oddo (European Patent Office)

9.45-10.15: Keynote address – Joseph Kratochvíl (President of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic) tbc

10.15-11.15: Session 1 – Using technology in IP teaching (Chair: Claire Howell, Aston University, UK)

“Copyright taught through technologies: constructing a Wiki-entry” – Roberto Caso, Frederica Giovanella and Thomas Margoni (University of Trento, Italy)

“The use of discussion boards to assess global intellectual property rights” – Tina Hart (University of Huddersfield, UK)

“Camera! Action” Feedback! A comparison of multi-media modes of online feedback to improve student learning” – Caroline Coles (De Montfort University, Leicester, UK)

11.15-11.30: Coffee

11.30-12.30: Session 2 – Teaching IP to non-traditional students (Chair: Mariano Riccheri, University of Alcalá IP-Research Group, Spain)

“Imparting an understanding of key IP issues to Masters students in the automotive industry” – Ian Hartwell (Cranfield University, UK)

“Challenges and chances of interdisciplinary IP teaching” – Peter Ganea (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)

“Teaching intellectual property and patents in an engineering physics Masters” – Maria Inés Torres, J. M. Tarela and F. Legarda (Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Spain)

12.30-14.00: Lunch

14.00-15.00: Session 3 – Multi-disciplinary approaches to IP teaching (Chair: Alison Firth, University of Surrey, UK)

“Multi-disciplinary teaching and learning: Towards a more global approach to IP teaching?” – Laurent Manderieux (Bocconi University, Italy)

“Advisers and clients – a virtual reality” – Ruth Soetendorp (Bournemouth University, UK)

“IP curriculum development for cross-cultural and multidisciplinary groups, with particular reference to experiences with Brazil and China” – Anselm Kamperman Sanders and Dalindyebo Shabalala (Maastricht University, Netherlands)

15.00-15.15: Coffee

15.15-16.30: Session 4 – New approaches to IP teaching (Chair: Chris Ryan, Nottingham Trent University, UK)

“Innovation in teaching trade mark attorneys” – Janice Denoncourt (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

“Some reflections on experiences with innovative assessment” – Smita Kheria and Jane Cornwell (University of Edinburgh, UK)

“Posters as a summative assessment tool in IP law – skills over substance?” – Thorsten Lauterbach (Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK)

“Teaching patent law to UK law students: A technical problem in search of a pedagogical solution” – Christopher Wadlow (University of East Anglia, UK)

Tuesday 28 June 2011

9.30-10.30: Session 5 – National perspectives in IP teaching (Chair: Stuart MacDonald, University of Sheffield, UK)

“Challenges of Teaching IP: Experiences in Turkey” – Recep Varcin (Ankara University, Turkey)

“Approaches to industrial property studies at the Metropolitan University Prague” – Ladislav Jakl (Metropolitan University, Prague, Czech Republic)

“Teaching intellectual property law in Slovakia” – Zuzana Adamová (Trnava University, Slovakia)

10.30-10.45: Coffee

10.45-11.45: Session 6 – Teaching IP and innovation (Chair: Adoración Peréz Troya, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)

“Dialoguing on IP teaching innovation” – Inmaculada González (Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain) & Vicenç Ribas (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)

“Connecting IP with business model innovation” – Alberto Di Minin (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy)

“Teaching patenting and licensing for science and engineering students at Turkish universities” – Özgür Kulak (Namik Kemal University, Turkey)

11.45-12.15: Next steps for the EIPTN and launch of the new website – Duncan Matthews (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)

12:15-14:15: Lunch and close of workshop