UCLouvain @Brussels 2024 Conference

16th Anniversary EIPTN Conference 2024 

 04- 05 October 2024 



UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles

Room P02
43 Bd. du Jardin Botanique
1000 Brussels (Belgium)

Conference Program

Day 1 

Friday, 04 October 2024

09:15-09:45 Registration

09:45-10:00 Welcome and introduction

  • Isabelle Hachez, Vice-Rector of UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles
  • Laurent Manderieux, Chair, EIPTN
  • Alain Strowel, Professor, UCLouvain


Morning Session


1-AI and IP teaching


Chair: Ulrika Wennersten, EIPTN Committee

– Teaching with generative AI – enhancing quality and new channels in IP teaching, Vishv Priya Kohli, Associate Professor, Department of Business Humanities and Law, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


– The AI Teaching and learning assistant; using ChatGPT to create interactive IP seminar and assessment content, Joe Sekhon, Associate Head (Research and Innovation), Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom


– Teaching Copyright law to non-jurists in the era of Generative AI, Theodoros Chiou, Adj. Lecturer, Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Panteion University, Athens, Greece

Chair: Adoración Perez Troya, EIPTN Committee

– Challenges in Teaching Intellectual Property Law and AI, Peter Gottschalk, Lecturer, Lund University, Sweden


– Navigating the Intersection of AI and IP: Enhancing Quality and Innovation in IP Education, Ruben Cano Perez, FIDE Foundation, Madrid, Spain


– Utilizing AI to foster legal reasoning in introductory level, Andrea Valdo Mocchi, Academic Fellow, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy



11:30 – 11:45: Coffee break



2- Inspiration in IP and its effects on teaching

Chair: George Papanikolaou, EIPTN Committee

– TRIPI TRAPI – Learning IP through Creative Copying, Julien Cabay, Professor of Intellectual Creation and Innovation Law and Co-director of JurisLab, ULB, Brussels, Belgium

– Inspiration in IP Teaching: equipping students to deal with the global challenges using stakeholder perspectives and sustainability dimensions, Monirul Azam, Department of Law, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden 


– Inspiration and Sharing in Intellectual Property,  Ingrida Veiksa, Professor, Turiba University, Riga, Latvia

13:00 – 14:30: Lunch break


Afternoon Session

14:30 – 15:45

2- Inspiration in IP and its effects on teaching (cont’d)

Chair: Alison Firth, EIPTN Committee

– Sharing and Plagiarism in AI Generated Works and Impact on IP Teaching, Qinqing Xu, Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law, University of Manchester, United Kingdom


– Unlockning and Inspiring the Interdisciplinary Intellectual Property and Sustainability Discourse, Janice Denoncourt. Associate Professor of Law, Nottingham Law School, United Kingdom


3- IP Teaching methods and techniques in the forefront

Chair: Vishv Priya Kohli, EIPTN Committee


– Cultivating the art of articles/book reviews in IP law teaching, Giulia Priora, Assistant Professor, NOVA School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal


– Education through Communication. Tools for Effective Learning and Awareness Raising of the Intellectual Property Law Principles, Anna Labedzka,  Senior Lecturer in Law, Kingston University, London, UK


– Bridging the Gap: Teaching IP to Non-Lawyers in Economics and Management, Giulia Dore, Assistant professor, Department of Economics and Management, Trento University, Italy


16:00 – 16:45 Coffee break and special keynote speech on Supporting Research for promoting the IP culture at Universities: The experience of 4iP Council in Supporting Research for promoting the IP culture at Universities, Axel Ferrazzini, General Manager, 4iP Council for Europe, Brussels


16:45 – 18:00

3- IP Teaching methods and techniques in the forefront (cont’d)

Chair: Yolanda Bergel Sainz de Baranda, EIPTN Committee

– Innovation in teaching IP & competition: The Innovator´s Legal Aid Clinic, a case study, Kalpana Tyagi, Assistant Professor, Managing Coordinator The Innovator’s Legal Aid Clinic, Maastricht Faculty of Law, Netherlands


– Ethical AI in IP: Developing a Global Cross-Disciplinary Curriculum for Responsible Innovation, Murtaza Mohiqi Assistant Professor, Department of Law, University of Agder, Norway


– From Theory to Practice: Transforming Students into Project Managers and Legal Experts With the Help of Artificial Intelligence, François Wéry and Vincent Cassiers, Lecturers, UCLouvain, Belgium


– Teaching Patent Law applied to Medical Innovation: The example of Monoclonal Antibodies, Thibault Gisclard, Law Lecturer, D.U. Director, Lille University, France


Networking dinner for Speakers and EIPTN Committee




Saturday, 05 October 2024


Morning Session


4- Re-visiting IP for excellence in teaching


Chair: Laurent Manderieux, EIPTN Committee

– From “novatio to in-novation” to “in-novatio to novatio”: An instrumental paradigm change and a change of paradigm, Manuel Desantes Real, Full Professor, University of Alicante, Spain, former Vice-President of the EPO

– From Reselling to Repairing, from Upcycling to Recycling: Quo Vadis Intellectual Property for a Sustainable and Circular Economy? Irene Calboli, Regents Professor of Law at Texas A&M University, Visiting Professor, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, Academic Fellow, University of Geneva, Switzerland

– Redressing modern patent law; mind the gap of technological dependency, Frantzeska Papadopoulou, Professor in Intellectual Property Law at Stockholm University, Sweden


11:15 – 11:30: Coffee break



11:30 – 13:00 Special Session: IP Public Authorities and IP Teaching in Universities

Chair: Laurent Manderieux, EIPTN Committee

– Supporting Academics for online and in presence activities: EUIPO’s Academy’s Experience, Claire Duranton, Acting Director, EUIPO Academy, Alicante


– A transatlantic perspective on IP Teaching, Gabriele Gagliani, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of the Regional Intellectual Property Attaché for Europe, U.S. Mission to the EU, Brussels 


– Are IP Public Authorities close enough to IP Teaching in Universities? A Special Contribution to the Debate by the Hosting Institution: Alain Strowel, Professor, UCLouvain, Belgium


13:00 – 14:30: Lunch break


Afternoon Session

14:30 – 16:00


4- Re-visiting IP for excellence in teaching (cont’d)

Chair: Nicolas Binctin, EIPTN Committee


–Where the IP teaching meets the road: One IP teachers experience in applying IP teaching methodology to writing new IP laws in B&H, writing the official Bosnia and Herzegovina Judicial IP Bench Book and what lessons this might have for inside the classroom, Haris Hasić, Associate Professor and Vice Dean for Scientific Research and Development, University of Travnik Faculty of Law,  Bosnia and Herzegovina


– Intellectual property – economic resources for business, Maria Markova, Head, Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, UNWE, Sofia, Bulgaria


15:45 – 16:00 Coffee break


5- EIPTN 2024 Open Committee Meeting: the Way Forward for EIPTN

16:00 – 17:30


Closing remarks:

17:30 – 17:45

Laurent Manderieux, Chair, EIPTN and Alain Strowel, UCLouvain

Closing dinner for Speakers and EIPTN Committee





Read Below Our Call for Abstracts for

EIPTN 16th Worldwide Annual Conference

Brussels (UCLouvain), 04–05 October 2024

Inspiration and IP: Inspiration in IP



Call for Abstracts for our 2024 Conference in  Brussels (UCL)


EIPTN 16th Worldwide Annual Conference

Brussels (UCLouvain), 04–05 October 2024

Inspiration and IP: Inspiration in IP

Dear Intellectual Property Academic,

You are cordially invited to participate in the 16th-anniversary conference of the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network (EIPTN), to be held in Brussels on 04-05 October 2024 under the Auspices of UCLouvain at the Saint-Louis Brussels city center campus.



EIPTN is multi-disciplinary in focus and aims to bring together intellectual property law (IP) teachers from across Europe to exchange ideas on best practices in IP teaching and learning activities.

In particular, EIPTN aims to raise awareness and disseminate information relating to:

  • innovation in the teaching of IP
  • problem-based teaching and learning
  • multi-disciplinary teaching and learning
  • promotion of IP teaching through IP professionals (i.e. patent attorneys, trade mark attorneys and technology transfer offices staff)

The European Patent Academy of the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Academy of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) support the EIPTN Annual Conference since 2007.


Conference 2024:  again this year with face-to-face format

Our 2024 Annual Conference will be hosted (face-to-face format) at the premises in Brussels of UCLouvain (Saint-Louis Brussels city center campus), close to major transport hubs.

16th Anniversary Theme – Inspiration and IP: Inspiration in IP

In the IP teaching and research community in Europe, there is a reviving interest in improving IP teaching, a topic sometimes neglected in the past by academics under pressure to deliver research results. Furthermore, the area of IP pedagogical research is becoming more widely recognized. As a result, both academic research and pedagogical research are fueling quality in IP Teaching.

Teaching techniques are rapidly evolving, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exponentially accelerated existing trends of massive use of technological tools in teaching. At the same time, questions connected to Inspiration in IP and Inspiration and IP are gaining in importance: issues connected to origins of new knowledge, sharing knowledge, knowledge mills, COIL, ethics, human inspiration vs. “machine inspiration” and vv, versus copying and plagiarism, lead to many issues, questions and debates essential to IP Academics. Therefore, the central theme of the 16th Anniversary of our Network is – Inspiration and IP: Inspiration in IP – Academic and pedagogical research as a support to teaching.

Focus of our Call for Abstracts

Since the start of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, the IP Teaching Agenda was profoundly re-shaped by the emergence of online/distant/remote teaching, that led soon to new, thrilling, sharing opportunities and issues.

This evolution raises considerable interest and questions in the IP teaching community. Hence, this year our Call for Abstracts focuses on recent substantive publications, or teaching programs and pedagogic methods introduced by IP academics on:

  • a- substantive IP issues in general on Inspiration and Sharing in Intellectual Property that effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching;
  • b- substantive IP issues that relate to COIL Programs and effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching
  • c- substantive IP issues that consider Artificial Intelligence, and Inspiration in Intellectual Property and effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching
  • d- substantive IP issues that consider Inspiration and Ethics in Sharing and Intellectual Property and effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching
  • e- substantive IP issues that consider Sharing, Copying and Plagiarism and effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching

Abstracts selection priorities

Given the informal nature of the conference, we do not expect selected speakers to prepare a full paper to present at the conference.  Instead, we are issuing this call for proposals asking participants to give 20-minute presentations (plus Q&A) on issues relating to IP teaching experiences.  We would encourage you to provide feedback from the students or evidence of any impact on teaching outcomes due to the issues discussed.  Examples of presentations given at the Annual Conferences in previous years can be found on the EIPTN website at www.eiptn.eu.

Please note that, as per traditional practice at our Annual Conferences, the EPO and EUIPO will also be invited to hold a ‘best practice’ session devoted to illustrating and discussing the IP teaching materials they have developed, in particular online publications and tools that facilitate the work of Academics.

How to get involved in the 2024 EIPTN Annual Conference  

The working language of the Annual Conference is English.

If you would like to participate in the EIPTN 16th Anniversary Conference 2024 by giving a short presentation on one of the above items, please send the title of your proposed presentation and a 500-word abstract to info@eiptn.eu.

The deadline to send abstracts is 31 May 2024. The EIPTN Committee will then select abstracts based on their innovative character and potential contribution to the teaching of IP.

Under its traditionally dynamic orientations, EIPTN wishes to enlarge and extend its membership basis. To this end, contributions are encouraged not only from European IP teachers but also from young IP researchers and from public organizations engaged in IP teaching activities. In this respect, non-EIPTN members are welcome. One or more special sessions may be dedicated to their presentations.

Financial Support for presenters of Selected Abstracts

Presenters of Selected Abstracts will receive financial support for travel to /from Brussels and accommodation there for a maximum of Euro €500, upon presentation of expenses documentation. Only one presenter per selected abstract is eligible for such support.

Special Session for Attending Young Academics

4 selected Young Academics will participate to a dedicated session aiming at sharing their new teaching ideas and challenges they are facing. Applicants to this Session must possess

– a University IP teaching experience

– this experience must be not superior to 3 years

Selected candidates will receive financial support for travel to /from Brussels and accommodation there for a maximum of Euro €500, upon presentation of expenses documentation. Interested Young Academics are invited to send their CV with a motivation letter to info@eiptn.eu , for review and selection.

Other Conference Delegates 

We welcome delegates who are IP teachers and IP professionals (e.g. patent and trademark attorneys, technology transfer offices staff, scientific researchers) to attend EIPTN 2024 without giving a presentation: they will get full access to our debates and will only pay for social program activities. Please contact info@eiptn.eu.

2024 EIPTN Annual Conference Programme

Notification of the programme of the annual Conference and further details about how to register for the event if you are not a speaker will be sent once all abstracts are selected.  SAVE THE DATE: We confirm that the “formal” Annual Conference will take place on 04-05 October 2024.

Social programme and Support to Participants

The Organizing Committee intends to organize a full social Programme and Study Activities throughout the 2024 Conference. It will propose a list of Brussels city center accommodations conveniently located for presenters of selected abstracts and other participants, possibly with negotiated discounts.

Publication of Conference Papers

Details on possible publication opportunities will be given once abstracts are selected and depending on the quality of both abstracts and presentations.

Grow our EIPTN network!

If you know of any IP teacher or young IP researcher involved in teaching activities who would like to become a member of our network, please do not hesitate to pass on this message. We look forward to receiving your abstracts by 31 May 2024and hope to see many of you at the Annual Conference on 04-05 October 2024.

Best wishes,

The EIPTN Organizing Committee